So I added a webshop to the website and I chaanged the Arma overview into a memberlist where we can see the active members. enjoy.
Falcon - 26.10. 01:11h
Hej Rob, you should join us on discord, we have 2 channels then we can have a chat again
Falcon - 26.10. 01:07h
Hej Rob, you should join us on discord, we have 2 channels then we can have a chat again
RXS - 02.10. 10:33h
shure has Anton , Anything new ??
Welcome to the -NATE- Community website
The -NATE- Clan is mainly a COOP Community, playing COOP games and sometimes Team Death Match. -NATE- Started as a Pistols clan but since we play more than just shooters, we decided to leave the pistols away from our name and we decided to call ourself a community instead of a clan, since we found out that we are a bunch of people interested in each others cultures and share thoughts as a community.If you would like to join us, just ask one of us if you may join. If you joined -NATE- be so kind to behave yourself on any server you join when wearing our TAG in front of your name. Please be free to read our rules.
What do we expect from our members:
In first place, a member who shows interest in our community (visit our website, join discord)
behave yourself on any server using our tag "-NATE-"
respect the desicions of our admins, don't argue about it.
Most important: know the RULES !! (there are not many, but know them and obey them)